I am European looking for American sex - 29
Gosh, this site has just died lately, hasn't it. What with Dagny finding herself a guy, and me planning this panel and being drunk, there just hasn't been that much happening. Oh well. Call it a mid-winter slump. Here's an amusing ad, however.
I have heard a lot about American sex but never experienced it. I am pretty sure American woman would love to try European sex to see the difference like myself. I am not saying we will meet for sex right the way. I want to take you out and then come to my place and have European-American sex :) Don't be shy to e-mail me. You will not be dissapointed with my look or sexI mean, I'm not sure how Europeans (as a general whole, too, this guy doesn't even specify a particular nationality or anything) have sex any differently than Americans. Do they know something that we don't know? Is the anatomy different? I am so curious. Yet not curious enough to email him. Oh well.