Monday, February 21, 2005

Real-Life Tales of Online Dating Part 4

So, by now you have read about the "Instant Boyfriend." Also, if you have been reading the posts from me and Gloria, you know that we are always waiting for the other shoe to drop. Let's face it. There is no way that a guy can be perfect.

I thought that the other ones were pretty bad, but this is a giant shoe. Without any prompting, the instant boyfriend (aka bald boy) decided to share a little information about himself this weekend. Apparently he has a standing engagement for Saturday mornings. What kind of engagement, you ask? Why, a court-ordered one. It seems that about a year ago he and his ex had a little dispute. He claims that she came at him; he was simply trying to defend himself. Well, in the course of defending himself, he gave her a black eye. He wanted to fight the charge but his lawyer said that there is no way to fight a photo of a woman with a black eye. The end result is that he is now in court-ordered anger management classes that he will finish in about six months. He says these classes are a joke because all the instructor seems to discuss is what types of women these men should try to avoid -- women with previous histories of abuse, women who are substance abusers...

All I can say at this point is that I really know how to pick them.


Blogger Gloria said...

So, the grand question is: are you going to see him again?

21 February, 2005 22:50  
Blogger Dagny said...

Actually I think I will. If he even thinks about touching me, it will be the last time he ever does it. Besides he will not only have to contend with me but with my family and friends. I have a friend who is known for taking care of bad situations.

21 February, 2005 22:55  

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