Sunday, February 06, 2005

Oh ... I hurt your feelings...

Right before I heard from high school boy, I heard from another guy. He seemed ok and the picture wasn't bad. OK, Gloria had issues with his facial hair. Me? He didn't look like Grizzly Adams so it was all good with me.

After close to a week of correponding, I asked him about meeting. He said that he would try to squeeze me into his weekend. I should have taken that as a sign. What did I do instead? I posted an edited version of my original ad. This is the ad to which high school boy responded.

In the second week, I asked tried to hint around about weekend plans. He was elusive. I then mentioned that I had a date with high school boy. He seemed wounded. His response? He told me that he had a date over the weekend -- dinner and a movie. I said, trying to be a friend, that I expected to hear details.

Well, now it's Sunday. He's been on his date. The only detail I received is that the date was "great." (Sure he had a date.) Now he's pissed off with me. Well, that is because of the email exchange today. Gloria tried to remind me that according to my horoscope that others could misconstrue my meaning in emails today. Now I know what the horoscope meant. I did apologize for being pissy. It's not my fault if he doesn't believe me. And all this from a guy I've never met in person.

No more CL dates for me. I'm going back to hanging out in bars and clubs ... because I'm cute and I can.


Blogger Gloria said...

Not such a big fan of lots of facial hair. And you refer to him as facial hair guy! Then again, that might be so I remember which one he is. He's such a drama queen - so NOT worth your time.

CL is entertaining for awhile, but ultimately a drag. Art dealer guy wants to meet this week, and of course I am booked 'til next. It's all his fault for cancelling last minute this weekend. I am tired of all of this and am going to return to the bar world as well, where I can have the fun of rejecting guys in person.

06 February, 2005 23:15  

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