Need a Woman to Teach me How to Suck Cock - 26
I know this is a thinly-veiled request for a blowjob, but really.
I am looking to meet a woman who can teach me how to suck a cock. I am really interested in learning how to do this as I have never done it before and I am a little leery of just approaching a random guy.Maybe I can throw a wrench in it by saying that I'll instruct, and bring someone for him to practice on. Hee!
Gloria, you are quite correct. This is a thinly veiled request for a blow job. I think that people should just come out and ask for what they really want. So you offend a few people along the way. Who cares?
By the way, I am watching Letterman while writing this. Helen Hunt was on and she looked like a hag. What's up with that? (And no, I don't care if this is the forum for this or not. I recently discovered -- this afternoon to be exact -- my cajones. lol)
I love Helen Hunt! What happened?
I love her too. She kind of looked like her character in Pay It Forward.
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