Tuesday, April 12, 2005

SeekingAngryDepressedFeministW/TonsOfBaggage+DelusionsOfGrandeur - 25

Here we go, I've found a winner.
I've been in love twice.

The first was my high school sweetheart. A budding feminist and gay rights activist she filled me with questions that turned my world up side down. And she loved me, in her own patronizing way, despite the fact that I was a straight white male; after all I couldn't help the way I was born.

She never knew her father, she hated her stepfather. During the course of the year we dated she dumped me twice.

When we finally broke it off for good she came out as a Lesbian and dated a woman for three years.

We tried to be friends until she told me never to call her again.

Eight years after our first kiss we have that kind of deep loving friendship that normally only close siblings share.

The second was a girl I met while working in a grocery store post college trying desperately not to move back home. A depressed, angry, needy chameleon with dreams of becoming a rock star. As happy with hippies as hob-knobbing in NY. Her mother died when she was young and she hated her whole family for how they dealt with her in the aftermath. She hated her father most of all.

She was kicked out of Smith, she was careless with money, she wrote venomous poetry, she fooled around with other girls, she did a stint as a stripper in LA, she loved Maui and was always looking to get away.

Her love was ruthless. All-consuming and honest, it was perfect. In the end she walked down a path I didn't have the courage to. She took another lover and my jealously was ultimately unquenchable.

And that brings me to today, 11 months later. I am enjoying a nice stable new relationship with a nice stable Ivy educated girl. She had a wonderful child hood, she loves both her parents and they love her and they love each other. She has wonderful siblings, wonderful roommates, a wonderful job, acceptance letters to wonderful grad schools, etc. Her future looks healthy happy and productive.

She has a good heart, good taste in music, good friends. She is good to me and she is good in bed.

And yet she does not tug at my heart strings. She does not inflame my passions. She does not call me into the fire. Hence this post.

Are you the next love of my life? Do you fit the description in the title?

I want to have my world rocked again.

I promise you nothing less than true love.
To top it off, he attached pics from Romeo and Juliet (the Claire Danes/Leonardo diCaprio version), Indecent Proposal, and Moulin Rouge, along with a quote from the first movie, "my only love sprung from my only hate". To say this guy has issues is definitely understating matters. Destructive love is.. well, destructive. And painful. And so goshdarn melodramatic that it gives me a headache.


Blogger Dagny said...

This guy needs to hang out with bald guy.

13 April, 2005 01:03  
Blogger Gloria said...

So the first girl became a lesbian, but apparently he couldn't handle the ardor of the second and split. What makes him think he can deal with it again?

13 April, 2005 08:17  

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