Are you a date from hell? take this quick quiz!
I always love a good quiz. Therefore, I could not resist this ad.
A man is
1) an ATM with lege
2) the reason my life is screwed up
3) an important part of my life
4) what determines whether I am a success or failure
On my first date, I like to talk about
1) My mother
2) My last boyfriend
3) Sex
4) Something I saw on the Daily Show
The index I use to determine whether or not the date was fun is
1) Whether my friends like him
2) Whether my four kids like him
3) Whether my cat likes him
4) Whether or not I'm still awake when its over
The ideal first date is
1) A lunch or dinner engagement
2) The back seat of my car
3) Planned Parenthood, to make sure he's not shooting blanks
4) A Jennifer Lopez film
I am single because
1) every man I have met for the last forty years was a major disappointment
2) every man I have ever been in a relationship insists on a prenup
3) the police are still looking for my last boyfriend and have (I think) eliminated me as a suspect
4) why do I need a reason?
My career is
1) everything DeVry promised it would be
2) something I do to meet guys
3) fascinating -- at least to me
4) saving me a lot of money ever since I moved my cot into my cubicle
I believe that sex is something that should happen
1) between two consenting, married adults when the time comes to have children
2) on the first date -- because then I'll KNOW he likes me!
3) when it happens
4) before or shortly after I've passed out from drinking
5) but so far, it hasn't
I use Craigs List because
1) people who actually meet me tend to run away screaming
2) I respect myself too much to date people who can't spell
3) Computer literate guys make major bucks
4) If I can't find anything in the man department, at least I can get a cheap washing machine
My most trusted source of information is
1) Cosmo
2) NPR
3) NRA
4) Dianetics
And no, there is no scoring section or answer key. You are who you are....
I do find it disappointing that there is no scoring section. Perhaps I will just have to create one.
Haha! I like that one. I really like the question asking why you use CL. I use it because it's an endless source of amusement.
I was torn between (2) and (4) on the CL question. Can't I say both?
Joe, if I were to consult with the NRA, I believe that I would definitely be asking about how to make it look like an accident.
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