Tuesday, March 22, 2005


You know I have a lot of work I'm procrastinating on when I start reading CL personals like a fiend. I have to say, the CL personals in LA are miles better than the ones in Boston. They are a lot more creative (read: hysterically funny in their patheticness). This guy has a new spin on things.



I want to go for as long as I can without ejaculating. I don't know if you know this but the more sperm or cum you keep in your body the healthier you are and stronger your body is. The sperm recycles in your body and produces muscle tissue and I'm sure makes you healthier partly because it's protein. Its not easy to not ejaculate for long periods of time. My record for how long I've gone without ejaculating in the past 10 years is 35 days. I want to do the 40 days and 40 nights thing and beat my record and in the process making my body healthier and not relying on sex as much.


As women your job is to try to get me to ejaculate. Whether by blowing me if you think you give good head, or fucking me, or just getting me horny and blowing off my cum if you think you are hot enough. My goal is to resist and go for 40 days and 40 nights. I will keep posting on here letting you know where I'm at. If one of you can get me to cum or ejaculate before I reach my goal (40 days and 40 nights) then you win $100. I give you $100. If I reach my goal then I'm happy. If a girl makes me cum before my goal is reached she gets $100 and I start over again with the same offer. If you are interested in trying to get $100 and playing this game then email me and maybe we can get together. WOMEN ONLY PLEASE.

Today March 22, 2005 is day 2.

I am so tempted to email him and let him know that HELLO, your sperm does NOT recycle and travel throughout your body. It produces muscle tissue? I nearly died laughing reading that bit. Someone needs to go back to his high school bio class. I'm not even going to go into the cum issue.

What this is is a thinly-veiled solicitation. He wants you to have sex with him, and expect that he's not going to get off on it? PLEASE. I bet that a girl'd only have to look at him with bedroom eyes to get her $100.

I have a way easy solution: castration. Then he's not going to have to worry about ejaculating - or having sex - anytime soon.


Blogger Gloria said...

Yes, you have to give him kudos for creativity. Doesn't disguise the fact, however, that he is still a moron.

22 March, 2005 23:08  
Blogger Dagny said...

Gloria, you are being insulting to morons of the world. This cretin is so below their level.

23 March, 2005 00:34  
Blogger Lux said...

Heh, when I first started reading this I thought he was into tantra, you know, like Sting.

23 March, 2005 02:10  
Blogger Gloria said...

In a way, this is sort of like tantra, except for the fact that I don't think he'll be allowed to hold out long at all.

23 March, 2005 10:33  
Blogger Dagny said...

*sigh* tantra ... Sting ...

I have often dreamed of giving birth to Sting's children, but then I worry about the tantra thing. I am afraid that the first time we have sex will be the last. Then again, I would get to die happy.

26 March, 2005 15:11  

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