Sunday, January 23, 2005

Shaken, not stirred - Idiots who are too competitive for their own good.

I have to say, I'm patting myself on the back for my excellent coding skills (in the outside world, it's called categorising). I've learned something in school! Yay! (This is especially exciting because all I learned undergrad was how much wine I could drink before being truly drunk.) This blizzard, however? Horrible! You can't see the tires of parked cars!

So there were the guys who inadvertantly (hopefully) insulted me, probably thinking they were being witty. Morons. Witty is demonstrating intelligence in a subtle and catching way, which none of the guys did. Then, there are those guys who think that they'll get my attention by being competitive. I dunno, it doesn't really work for me, especially the way these guys have phrased it. Additionally, when I said that I played pool and poker, I did NOT say that I was a pro at it nor that I was even especially any good. While I do enjoy both activities, I enjoy the bluffing aspect of poker but often forget in what order the hands go, and in pool I often sink the other person's balls in the pockets rather than my own. It's so mortifying.
I have some time as well. I bet I could kick you ass in a game of 8-ball...wanna place a bet?
I'm sorry, is this supposed to make want to hang out with him? I don't even know him, and yet he's already talking about kicking my ass. So not okay.
I am an official pool skark and can kick your ass 8 ball or 9.
I'd think that this was the same guy as the previous one, but it's a different email address. I don't know that I'd ever write a stranger and say, "I could kick your ass" unless I wanted to get into a fight.
So tell me how much $$$ have you won in a poker game? How much $$ have you lost?
It's not all about the money, it's about fooling other people.

I think it's a guy thing, being this competitive. It's not terribly endearing, I have to say.


Blogger Gloria said...

Hm, see, I won't race for an ice cream truck, you need to make the temptation stronger.

Now, race to a nice shoe store having a sale, ah, there we're talking. Or even just a good chocolate store. I could go on forever.

24 January, 2005 00:01  
Blogger Gloria said...

Mmm. I think you might've hit it on the spot. Chocolate-covered ice cream shoe. Yes, definitely.

30 January, 2005 16:23  

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