Friday, January 21, 2005

What's wrong with honesty?

I decided to follow Gloria's lead and try something new. I posted an ad just to see who was out there. Well, according to two guys, so far, I am obviously shallow because I had the nerve to put a height preference in my ad. (I also put an age range preference, but this didn't seem to stop some guys from sending responses.) I am 5'10". I like to wear heels. What is wrong with asking a guy to be 6' or taller? Actually, I said that 5'10" was the lower limit, but I'd probably prefer a guy 6' or taller.

Oops ... lost my train of thought. I had to read an email from a guy who sent me a pic of Ralph Fiennes and is trying to tell me that it's a picture of him. Then again, maybe he's just a dead ringer for Ralph. I digress.

Back to the ranting men in the San Francisco area. One guy told me that a woman requesting a specific height minimum was akin to a guy asking that women have a minimum cup size. He said it was rude to make that kind of request. Yes, I suppose being brutally honest is rude, but some of these guys just need it. When I told the first guy that perhaps he was insecure about his height, he responded that he did not have any issues about his height or his equipment. Ummm ... I never mentioned his equipment. Now I guess we know the source of his insecurity, though.

I must digress again. Ralph just explained that he sent me the picture of Ralph because he looks like him, and he doesn't have any pictures of himself at work. Knew I wasn't losing my mind. We'll see if he really looks like Ralph. Besides, he was not intimidated by the height requirements and claims to be 6'2".

Back to insecure guy. Of course this guy has never seen a shift key in his life. He also had issues with my request to please use spell check. He said, "what is this a test? who gives a fuck in these ads if a word or two are spelled incorrectly?" I told him that it was a test, and he had failed miserably. Notice the lack of capitals. Also, what is up with the use of profanity with a complete stranger? If this was him putting his best foot forward, then I pity him.

I say if a guy knows that he only likes a certain cup size, then he should say it. Similarly, women should be able to request a certain height.

I promise to get back to real-life tales with my next post. The focus will be honesty in ads.


Blogger Gloria said...

Haha, I am 5'5 in bare feet, yet I'd prefer if the guy was over 6' as well. I will go as low as 5'9, but when I put on heels, I do not want to tower over him.

And Cryptic, you are not a lawyer in disguise, are you? Because that little negotiation bit there brought back memories of being surrounded by law students and just ignoring them all by focusing on my drink.

22 January, 2005 08:45  
Blogger Gloria said...

Call me a threat to feminism, but I don't like being able to look a guy in the eye. It means he's too short. In some weird twisted way, I need to physically look up to him, because let's be honest, I'm superior in so many other ways.

Soooo, 6'3, huh? Verrry interesting.

23 January, 2005 23:58  
Blogger Gloria said...

But I don't want to make you feel inferior with all the ways that I am superior. I just am, trust me on that. It'll go easier for everyone if you just believe me.

And as for the rest that I may be interested in, well, we'll just have to discuss that another place, as the public forum is no place for such thoughts ;)

24 January, 2005 07:55  
Blogger Dagny said...

Gloria, just as you cannot sympathize with my new weight loss regimen (Actually no one seems to. Wonder why?), I cannot sympathize with you on the men under 6' thing. When I put on heels, I am over 6'. Thus, the height preference. Forget about looking a guy in the eye. My problem is looking at the top of their head.

Cryptic, as I stated to the one guy, if guys want to go around asking for a certain cup size, then they should. How can one ever expect to get something if one is not willing to ask for it?

25 January, 2005 00:12  
Blogger Dagny said...

Cryptic, I did not mind your comments. It just seems that given the format of CL, then if you are looking for a certain physical type, then you should be able to without attack. I often see ads requesting specific races/ethnicities. No one seems to comment on that. Some of the ads I have read from men contain a laundry list of what a woman should look like. The only physical feature I mentioned was height. Why? Because I can be pretty fluid about the rest. Perhaps it all goes back to junior high. There was the point when I hated dancing with a guy whose eyes were at chest level on me.

26 January, 2005 14:18  
Blogger Gloria said...

Sniffle, I can't help it if I'm picky!

30 January, 2005 16:25  
Blogger Dagny said...

I am sorry, Gloria. That is one of your endearing traits -- your pickiness.

02 February, 2005 01:49  

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