Monday, January 17, 2005

Real-Life Tales of Online Dating Pt. 1

A few months ago, I decided it was not enough to peruse ads. No, I had to start answering them. Then the inevitable happened; I started meeting these guys. If anything else, the experience has provided me with countless stories to share at cocktail parties.

Let me start with my first meeting experience. (By the way, I have changed the names to protect the guilty if any names are used.) I started emailing this guy who was looking for someone to help spend his lottery winnings. I figured that anyone who said that had to be witty. We started talking on the phone. Then one day I inadvertantly answered yet another ad he had posted. We took it as a sign that we were meant to meet. Of course, by this point I was a bit trepidatious because he had previously mentioned that he doesn't think that he has ever bought a drink for a woman. WHAT? How does a guy get to his 30's without ever buying a drink for a woman unless he is a cheap bastard?

Back to the meeting. I arrived at the previously agreed upon cafe about 10 minutes late. I have since learned that this is an acceptable grace period. (Well, I always thought this was true, but on this particular day I was beginning to doubt it.) I looked around and saw no one who looked like the pictures I had received. I thought, "Perhaps he is late," so I ordered a latte and made myself comfy at a table with my copy of "Vanity Fair" -- the book, not the magazine. After 50 minutes or so, I decided that he was a no show.

When I got home, I wrote to ask where he was. He claims that he was there for about 30 minutes and saw no one who looked like me. Sure... I actually look like the photo that I send out. If he was there, then he looks nothing like his picture. What probably surprises me most is that I have actually agreed to meet other guys following this mishap. But more about that another time...


Blogger Gloria said...

That's why he's never bought anyone a drink. He leaves before he has the "opportunity" to.

17 January, 2005 22:37  
Blogger Dagny said...

But isn't it so fabulous how he answered my ad? hehe

02 February, 2005 01:50  

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