Monday, October 11, 2004

Okay. So this whole thing is progressing a lot more slowly than planned. Scarlett, even though she's promised me she'll write, hasn't, and I have more reading than I know what to do with.

But, I just had to post this. Before I do, however, some background. Out of all the many many pathetic responses I received, this one actually had a decent photo. So I emailed back - yes, I am that shallow. How else are you going to weed out people? To make a long story short, he basically was in town just for the weekend and just "wanted to get a drink." Bleh. So not interested, especially since I was going to have to drive all the way out to The Valley (said with horror, of course).

So I said that oops! I was going to be in Vegas for the weekend and well, just never wrote back when I "returned." Easy as pie. Too bad guys are like totally uber-dense.
I am off to work right now, taking a couple of rides out this afternoon and at sunset, you should book a ride.....anyhow, i figured this weekend would be a great time for us to grab that drink we talked about - im intown for afew days again....and have a place on the beach!
The rides he's talking about are horseback rides in some LA canyon. And if that email's not all sorts of sketch, I don't know what is. I also wish he knew how to properly use his space bar and how to capitalise letters.

By the way, if someone else is bored and has lots of time on her hands, and wants to help out with making fun of online personals.. do drop an email. It'd be a shame to let our sheer laziness stop such a brilliant idea.


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